The General Assembly is composed of one (1) representative from each and every National Federation in addition to all Officers and is convened by the President at least once every two (2) years.
The General Assembly shall deliberate and decide on matters as stipulated in these Rules. Participants may state opinions in response to, or voluntarily on, important matters of IFS as presented by the President.
Article 21 : Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is comprised of the President, Vice Presidents, the Secretary General and Directors. As a general rule, the Board of Directors shall convene once a year, with meetings held in conjunction with the General Assembly in the years that the General Assembly is held. The meetings of the Board of Directors shall be convened by the President.
The President may call for an emergency meeting of the Board of Directors when there has been a request from the Board of Executive Directors or when it is deemed necessary for other reasons.
The Board of Directors shall decide the following items in addition to those specified in these Rules.
(1) Activities plans and budget;
(2) Activities reports and financial account reports;
(3) Other important issues in IFS affairs.
Article 22 : Board of Executive Directors
The Board of Executive Directors is comprised of the President, Vice Presidents, Secretary General and Executive Directors and shall be convened by the President as required.
The Board of Executive Directors shall deliberate and decide upon the daily duties in IFS affairs.
Article 23 : Chairperson of Meetings
The chairperson of meetings shall be performed by the President.
Article 24 : Quorum and Decisions
Meetings of the General Assembly may not proceed nor make resolutions unless at least one-fourth (1/4) of its members are present. However, those that express their opinion regarding the applicable issues in writing in advance or that submit a proxy are considered as being present.
Meetings of the Board of Directors, the Board of Executive Directors, and other meetings may not proceed nor make resolutions unless at least one-third (1/3) of its members are present. However, those that express their opinion regarding the applicable issues in writing in advance or that submit a proxy are considered as being present.
The agenda of the meetings shall be decided with a majority of those present except in cases otherwise stated in these Rules. In the case of a tie vote, the Chairperson shall decide the issue.
Article 25 : Minutes
Minutes shall be kept for all meetings, and must be signed by the meeting’s chairperson and two (2) representatives of those in attendance before being archived.